The First Standing Committee supports PAM parliamentary diplomacy to promote peace and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, complementing the efforts of regional and international organizations. It addresses the evolving threats of terrorism and transnational organized crime through the examination of root causes. Moreover, it monitors national electoral processes and the strengthening of democratic institutions.


  • Parliamentary support to peace efforts in regional conflicts
  • Political dialogue
  • Security and stability
  • Humanitarian crises
  • Counterterrorism
  • Support to electoral processes and strengthening of democratic institutions

What it does

  • Relations between Mediterranean partners based on eight principles (refraining from the threat or use of force;
  • peaceful settlement of international disputes;
  • inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity of States;
  • right of peoples to self-determination and to live in peace in their own territories within internationally recognized and guaranteed frontiers;
  • sovereign equality of States and non-interference in internal affairs;
  • respect for human rights;
  • cooperation between States;
  • fulfillment in good faith of obligations assumed under international law, questions regarding peace, security and stability, confidence-building measures, arms control and disarmament, respect for international humanitarian law, and the fight against terrorism.
President of the 1st Standing Committee

Bureau of the First Standing Committee

  • Sen. Alia Bouran, President

Contact Information



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