CGS in collaboration with the Council of Europe

Recent events and specific threats to human security have highlighted as a matter of top priority the necessity to develop strategies, methodological approaches, technological and operational settings, and dedicated training capable of dealing with increasingly complex chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRNe) scenarios, which require structured solutions and interregional plans to deal with relevant crises, particularly in the health sector. The Centre for Global Studies has developed, at the request of the CEMEC of the Council of Europe, a comprehensive report suggesting new legislative instruments for members of the parliament to defeat CBRNe threats and develop further scenarios. CGS research aims to improve the coordinated response mechanism in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, and beyond, in natural and man-made disasters and emergencies, particularly those resulting from terrorist and criminal CBRNe attacks or laboratory/industrial accidents.

CBRNe threats, of an increasingly cross-sectoral, international, and asymmetric nature, require establishing collaboration in different sectors and coordinated decision-making processes between these institutions based on Decision-Making and Strategic Thinking models for complex environments. CGS envisages, for the year 2024/25, a series of meetings and consultations in which high-level experts will review strategic thinking and integrated approaches based on accurate and realistic context scenarios, starting with the preparation for a possible CBRNe emergency, up to the reaction and management phase of the event (contingency planning, detection, operational reaction, information to the population, consequence management, restoration of normal conditions). CGS will involve members and experts from international organizations, government and parliamentary institutions, global think tanks, academia, private sectors, and civil society.

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