PAM-CGS launch a Report on The Malicious use of AI and Emerging Technologies


28 November 2024, San Marino – Today, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) published a comprehensive live-report entitled “The malicious use of AI and emerging technologies by terrorist and criminal groups: impact on security, legislation, and governance”, drafted by the PAM Centre for Global Studies (CGS), and prepared in partnership with the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT).


The report, now available on PAM and CGS websites:  is conceived as a “living document” to provide stakeholders with a guide that can keep pace with the fast-changing technological landscape, and offer a detailed analysis of how new and emerging technologies are being weaponized for the malicious purposes of terrorist and criminal groups.


The publication builds on the excellent cooperation between PAM and the United Nations Security Council-CTED, which has been reinforced through several bilateral consultations and meetings. PAM-CGS researchers followed closely the recommendations of the UNSG High-level Advisory Body on AI, and further consulted, throughout the preparatory work, with international think tanks and experts on the subject.


In the complex and evolving realm of global security, this report serves as a comprehensive guide and reference for parliamentarians, security experts, international organizations, private sector and academia, to address the growing concerns surrounding emerging technologies, underscoring the pressing need for updated and robust regulatory frameworks that can effectively mitigate the security risks arising from digital advancements.


Conclusions of the report outline several key initiatives, promoted by PAM, and aimed at fostering a coordinated response to these risks. These include, inter alia, the establishment of a Global Permanent Parliamentary Observatory on the Misuse of AI and Emerging Technologies, in San Marino, a central hub for monitoring and assessing the impact of these technologies on global security; and the regular publication of a daily and weekly Digest, which will serve to disseminate updates, insights, and developments related to AI.


The preliminary findings of the report were presented earlier this week at the 9th annual meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) in Belgrade; and will be further discussed during two side-events, co-promoted by PAM, in collaboration with UNSC CTED and UNOCT, on the occasion of the 19th Annual Session of the IGF in Riyadh, next December.


The Assembly will continue to advance dialogue and cooperation among its Member States, focusing on strengthening international collaboration to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies, as committed by PAM at the UN Summit of the Future, and the Pact, which was adopted in New York, last September. //

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